Flying Around Maine
August 11, 2001
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Schoodic Point
Tourists at Schoodic Point
Lighthouse on Petit Manan Island
Brace's camp on Tom Leighton Point
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Bruce and Kathy's House
Cherryfield (looking NW our house is almost center)
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Cherryfield (John Brace's Railroad)
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Cherryfield (looking SW)
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Cherryfield (looking SE)
Cherryfield (looking NE)
Campbell Hill
(Click on Image for Higher-Res Version)
Blueberry barerns and Schoodic Lake (looking NW)
Looking back SW (Schoodic Lake is in the distance)
Airstrip at Deblois and blueberry factory
Blueberry raker's camps, factory, Deblois Airstrip
Route 193 going South to Cherryfield
Cherryfield (looking East)