
A Text and HTML Editor

If you want a Windows editor with lots of bang for the buck, check out
NoteTab Standard/NoteTab Pro  (even if the price is doubled.)  NoteTab Standard/NoteTab Pro


Tools for use with NoteTab

  1. a tool to collect backup files into a common directory (includes moveBAK.txt).
  2. makeBAK.clb (9/1/98) a clip to create a backup (named FileName.BAK.Ext).
  3. EditBin.clb (10/19/98) allows editing binary files, requires the ttin.exe and ttout.exe programs below.

Related DOS command line tools:

  1. crnl.exe a tool to add/subtract CR's before a NL (32-bit version).
  2. ttin.exe a tool which displays non-printing characters in a file as escape characters (32-bit version).
  3. ttin16.exe 16-bit version.
  4. ttout.exe a tool to convert escaped characters (created by ttin) back into binary (32-bit version).
  5. ttout16.exe 16-bit version.
  6. wdump.exe yet another tool to display the contents of a binary file (32-bit version, updated 8/12/2001).
  7. wdump16.exe 16-bit version.
  8. wcmp.exe a tool to compare two binary files (32-bit version) -- the -V option shows changes in DETAIL.
  9. wcmp16.exe 16-bit version.

Links to other NoteTab Pages

Wren's Home Page
E-Mail:  wren at
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